Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Still Learning

I went to see Donald Miller and Derek Webb last Tuesday night in Birmingham, Alabama. Let me begin by saying that I got there at the end of arguably one of the longest and most frustrating days of my life. I talked myself in and out of going all day long. I knew I wanted/needed to go. It didn't take long for me to remember why once Derek Webb began singing.

Derek Webb is amazing. I have enjoyed his music since the early Caedmon's Call days. This is due largely to the fact that he is a lyrical genius. It is not because he is smarter than the rest of us, though...so, genius might not be the right word. It is the best I can think of to describe him right now. He writes what everyone else feels and is afraid to say. I dig that about him.

His music is sometimes comforting (love/lament songs like Just Don't Want Coffee and Somewhere North), but mostly challenging (Wedding Dress, Lover, etc.). I am captivated by his voice, his lyrics, and his heart. He is incredibly honest about the struggles of faith and learning to love as Christ loved. It is at once convicting and encouraging. Last Tuesday was no exception.

I went to see Derek Webb. Donald Miller was just a perk. He is equally as honest and raw, just with words instead of song. Both inspired and challenged me more in two hours than I have been in a while. I loved it and am still processing it. As I make sense of it, I will post more and more.

For now, let me just say I am struggling to love as Christ loved, too. The more I reflect on how much Christ loves me in spite of me, the more I am able to love others. Some days are better than others...

1 comment:

brandon said...

Wasn't this a great show. Alison and I talked about how refreshing it was to hear Derek Webb again, live that is.

He does get right to the heart of the matter doesn't he; no skirting around the issues.

It was great to see you there. What a nice surprise. I hope to continue to read great blogs here. We will meet up soon.
